Warhammer 40,000 Blood Angels Codex Review Part 2

Big Orbit games has asked a guest writer (Tim Weston) to review the Blood Angels Codex for us. He’s really gone to town and has written a colossal review that we will be releasing section by section, over four days, in the run up to the release of the new Codex.

Warhammer 40,000 Blood Angels Codex Review Part 2: Troops & Elites


Assault Squad:
For the sake of new players I mention this entry even though the Blood Angels have had this choice for many iterations of the codex. The replica breitling Blood Angels is the only marine army that has ever had the option to take Assault Squads as count as troops.

Players will find them appealing since they may remove their jump packs and take a dedicated transport at 35 points less than normal. I can see cheap assault units in Landraiders as a way to make dual Landraider lists viable in lower point games.

I like the idea of assault squads being a troop choice and more ‘veteran’ brothers being the fast attack or even an elite selection. To me this unit, as a troop selection, captures the theme of the Blood Angels alongside the Death Company; close combat oriented space marines and lots of them.

Death Company:
Any large unit of crazed marines that ignore wounds is going to be popular. Only the size of the battle will limit players in their attempts to bring as many of these battle brothers to the table. I wholeheartedly expect to see these in many, many lists outside the tournament arena.

Is ‘Feel No Pain’ and the ability to take large units of these marines worth it? I’m not sure. You are going to be seriously lacking in other parts of your force if you take a large unit, and it compounds your deficiencies in other areas the more Death Company units you try to take. Only testing and time will tell.

Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost:
He is not an independent character like other Chaplains or Reclusiarchs, only as an upgrade to the Death Company, therefore he cannot be specifically targeted in close combat. This option makes him very good if you are running a Death Company and want to add an additional punch to an already punch drunk unit. I really thought that he would have been a character rather than an upgrade considering his background and how he appeared in previous versions.

Death Company Dreadnought:
I keep going back and reading ‘ignores shaken and stunned results’. A dreadnought that can just keep coming at you combined with an armour value of 12. They can only be kitted for close combat but the means to get close are there and the prevalence of cover saves on the table will make this a monster.

I want to call this the best dreadnought in the game but that would be going ‘over the top’.


Sanguinary Guard:
This particular unit is new to the Blood Angels list and is new in plastic. I have seen them compared to the Honour guard online, and those followed my initial thoughts that in the future it will be a player’s preference of which of the two units they run, if they run them at all. The Sanguinary Guard is 200 points base for five in jump packs with no option to get a larger size unit.

Their ranged weapon gives me the feeling the designers stole a page from the Daemon Hunters codex with the wrist mounted weapons.

Noticeably, artificer amour has gone from non-specific characters but this unit is equipped with it as standard! There are a few options available but I think the point cost versus the quantity will keep many players away from taking them regularly.

In saying all this though, the models are great for conversions. Some may even use the models as Honour guards as well as Sanguinary guard.

Furioso Dreadnaught:
The Frag Cannon is a new weapon available to the Blood Angels. Since it fires two templates it will be a popular choice against horde type targets and will be able to survive since it has a front armour of 13.

With such a high front armour we are going to see multiple versions of this dreadnought travelling across the table to get to anyone they can get their bloody fists on.

Furioso Librarian Dreadnaught:
It is definitely an interesting idea to allow a librarian interred inside to cast powers and frees up a slot in your HQ section in larger games by not having to take a librarian to get a psychic hood and still being able to use some powers.

It’s a solid entry but how a list containing one would be composed will need to be tested and most likely refined.

One continuing theme of each codex that is produced is that existing models don’t become obsolete with new editions of a codex or the rules. It’s a tough thing to do, and I am sure that it is not always possible with so many options available in some entries. The Techmarine can still exchange his servo harness for a jump pack, in the previous Codex a Blood Angel Techmarine used to be part of a command squad which came pre-equiped with a Jump Pack.

Sanguinary Priests:
A player can choose to take 1-3 priests for one Force Organisation Chart slot, one of which can be Brother Corbulo. Their grails (a Blood Chalice) give ’Feel No Pain’ and ‘Furious Charge’ to nearby units.

To me this is the best entry in the codex. It’s really a throwback to the early days of 40K where you could take Apothecaries as upgrades to further upgrade Veteran Sergeants, like other Veteran Sergeant only better.

They have the option to take terminator armour, so in theory you could have three Terminators Squads with FNP, or more if you space them out correctly. Put them on bikes and they will always be in the right place at the right time. Jump packs are also an option.

I could go on and on about this entry and what you can do, but buy the book, read it, buy some priests or convert them, and see how you can augment you army with this unit alone. Happy hunting!

Brother Corbulo:
I say leave Corbulo at home at take more priests. He is an over 100pt upgrade and I think he does not bring enough to the table for that price.

Someone is going to scream that he can’t be killed with his +2 FNP roll on him alone and I understand this, but as a single choice you are better off taking the points and gaining another priest and possibly two if the points work in your favour of your list.

End of part 2, tomorrow Fast Attack, Heavy Support & Rules/Equipment unique to the Blood Angels