Bolt Action Germans or Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Guard?

Big Orbit games received the photos below in our inbox the other day. It was inevitable that someone was going to covert Warlord Games’ new Bolt Action World War II Germans into Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Guard.

Bolt Action German Lasgun Imperial Guard
Bolt Action German Lasgun Imperial Guard
Bolt Action German Lasgun & Flamer Imperial Guard
Bolt Action German Lasgun & Flamer Imperial Guard

The conversions are fairly simple and just involve swapping the German weapons for Lasguns and
a Flamer. The stocks on the guns have had to be trimmed to fit the smaller German hands and arms, the Lasguns only look slightly large on the Germans, the flamer however looks marvellously absurd and we absolutely love it.

What do other people think?

*Accurate as of 7th September 2010

One thought on “Bolt Action Germans or Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Guard?

  • August 28, 2011 at 10:34 am

    Many of the bits supplied with the Shock Trooper models were useless for my purposes. Most of the unhelmeted heads were actually larger than their helmeted counterparts (this may have been some misguided attempt at offering aliens, though they just look like humans with face masks and really big heads), the pistols were a complete joke and the clip/knife bits were largely too fiddly to look right on the models. In the end, I began adding Cadian and Catachan accessory bits to my Guardsmen in order to give them a bit more visual interest.

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